$ man qresub qresub allows the user to create jobs as copies of existing pending or running jobs. The copied jobs will have exactly the same attributes as the ones from which they were copied, except with a new job ID and with a cleared hold state. The only modification to the copied jobs supported by qresub is assignment of a new hold state with the -h option. This option can be used to first copy a job and then change its attributes via qalter.\\ qresub ## calc exp signif echo >> ${LOG} echo "==== Expected Significance =====" >> ${LOG} combine -M ProfileLikelihood -n ${label}ExpSignif -m $mass -s $myrand --signif --pvalue --expectSignal=1 -t -1 --toysFreq -d $WORKDIR/"${datacard}.txt" >> ${LOG} ## calc obs signif echo >> ${LOG} echo "==== Observed Significance =====" >> ${LOG} combine -M ProfileLikelihood -n ${label}ObsSignif -m $mass --signif --pvalue -d $WORKDIR/"${datacard}.txt" >> \\ $ echo `seq -f "%.0f" 7823111 7823118` for i in `ls *13TeV*.cfg`; do echo $i; python submitJobsOnT3batch.py --useDAS --config $i; done brilcalc lumi --normtag /afs/cern.ch/user/c/cmsbril/public/normtag_json/OfflineNormtagV1.json -i 25ns.json find /pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/store/data/Run2015D/SingleMuon/MINIAOD/16Dec2015-v1/ -type f | wc -l ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 thaarres@t3ui15.psi.ch /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions15/13TeV/PileUp/pileup_latest.txt -> pileup_JSON_11-19-2015.txt pileupCalc.py -i /shome/thaarres/EXOVVAnalysisRunII/ExoDiBosonAnalysis/data/GoldenJSON_2p11.txt --inputLumiJSON /afs/cern.ch/cms/CAF/CMSCOMM/COMM_DQM/certification/Collisions15/13TeV/PileUp/pileup_latest.txt --calcMode true --minBiasXsec 69000 --maxPileupBin 50 --numPileupBins 50 ../ExoDiBosonAnalysis/data/biasXsec_69000_76X.root