====== RD53 @ UZH ====== Everything should be already good to go but just in case ====== Connecting the Kintex to the computer ====== Is possible to communicate with the Kintex FPGA using a ethernet connector. The ethernet connector has to be plugged directly in the computer ethernet bus, without using an external hub. By default the board address is To be able to communicate create a network with the following settings: IP Address: Subnet Mask: Gateway: In UBUNTU you have to define this network in the file /etc/network/interfaces And you can add it (if it is not already there) as # The primary network interface auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway After that use the command ifdown eth0; ifup eth0 And check if the board is there: ping ====== Kintex firmware installation ====== Get the right firmware here **[[https://gitlab.cern.ch/silab/bdaq53/tags | tag]]** If not already installed, install the **[[https://www.xilinx.com/products/design-tools/vivado.html | VIVADO ]]**software then: * Connect the KC705 with the computer through JTAG connector. * Open Vivado and Go Open Hardware Manager-> Open Target-> Auto connect * now the KC705 should appear if it is properly connected. * Right click on the card and go to add configuration memory and follow the steps indicated in the **[[ https://gitlab.cern.ch/silab/bdaq53/wikis/Hardware/fpga-configuration | bdaq53 twiki]]** to program using flash memory (I recommend this method because even if you turn off the FPGA permanently programmed) . ====== bdaq53 installation ====== * Install **[[https://conda.io/miniconda.html | conda]]** for python * Install dependencies and bdaq53: conda install numpy bitarray pyyaml scipy numba pytables matplotlib tqdm pyzmq blosc psutil pip install git+https://gitlab.cern.ch/silab/bdaq53.git@master * RD53A twiki: https://gitlab.cern.ch/silab/bdaq53/ ====== Run a test (work in progress)====== **powering procedure missing on purpose, ask to someone who had already done it** cd bdaq53/ source setup.py develop bdaq53 --help choose a test (for example scan_digital) and bdaq53 scan_digital ====== Module Calibration (work in progress)====== TBD ====== Run the cross talk scan (work in progress)====== the cross talk scan is not in the bdaq53 scan list but nevertheless is present inside the scan folder. To run it: cd bdaq53/bdaq53/scans/ python scan_crosstalk.py