====== Ntuple location ====== * pisa: [[srm://stormfe1.pi.infn.it:8444/srm/managerv2?SFN=/cms/store/user/arizzi/]] * PSI: [[/pnfs/psi.ch/cms/trivcat/store/HBB_EDMNtuple/V42/Mar13]] ====== Neural Network work with ZHllbb ====== ===== Selections used for the training in the AN (pag. 19) ===== * jets pT > 20 GeV * jets |\u03b7| < 2.4 * jets CSV > 0. * Vtype < 2 * H.HiggsFlag = 1 ===== Version 1 ===== * 19th April 2013 Hbb meeting {{:users:hbbmeeting19april13.pdf|}} * training info: 2 outputs, correlation between jets ==== NN functions trained @ 125GeV ==== * b-specific NN {{:users:btagnnfunction.cpp.rtf|}}, {{:users:btagnnfunction.h.rtf|}} * MET-specific NN {{:users:bcorrjetmetnnfunction.cpp.rtf|}}, {{:users:bcorrjetmetnnfunction.h.rtf|}} ==== NN functions trained on full range [110-135]GeV ==== * b-specific NN {{:users:btagnnfunction_fr.cpp.rtf|}}, {{:users:btagnnfunction_fr.h.rtf|}} * MET-specific NN {{:users:bcorrjetmetnnfunction_fr.cpp.rtf|}}, {{:users:bcorrjetmetnnfunction_fr.h.rtf|}} ===== Version 2 (End of April) ===== * Talk update {{:users:vhbbanalysis_update.pdf|}} * training info: 1 output and no correlation between jets for NNb ==== NN functions @ 125GeV ==== * b-specific NN {{:users:btagnnfunction_2.cpp.rtf|}}, {{:users:btagnnfunction_2.h.rtf|}} * MET-specific NN {{:users:bcorrjetmetnnfunction_2.cpp.rtf|}}, {{:users:bcorrjetmetnnfunction_2.h.rtf|}} ==== NN functions trained on full range [110-135]GeV ==== * b-specific NN {{:users:btagnnfunction_fr_2.cpp.rtf|}}, {{:users:btagnnfunction_fr_2.h.rtf|}} * MET-specific NN {{:users:bcorrjetmetnnfunction_fr_2.cpp.rtf|}}, {{:users:bcorrjetmetnnfunction_fr_2.h.rtf|}} ====== WH analysis ====== ===== Signals ===== * DiJetPt_WH_WToLNu_HToBB_M-125_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.08425 pb) * \u03c3(WH) = 0.6966 pb ([[https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCPhysics/CERNYellowReportPageAt8TeV#WH_Process]]) * BR(W->lnu) = 0.2096 * BR(H->bb) = 0.577 ===== Full set of cuts ===== * Number of V leptons = 1 * e\u03c5 channel: pT > 30 GeV, |\u03b7| < 2.4 * \u03bc\u03c5 channel: pT > 20 GeV, |\u03b7| < 2.4 * Number of additional leptons = 0 * MET > 35 GeV for e\u03c5 channel * \u0394\u03a6(V,H) > 2.95 rad * jets pT > 30 GeV * jets |\u03b7| < 2.5 * Number of additional jets = 0 * pT(jj) > 120 GeV for \u03bc\u03c5 channel * pT(jj) > 150 GeV for e\u03c5 channel * 120 < pT(V) < 170 GeV (pT(V) > 170 GeV) for \u03bc\u03c5 channel * pT(V) > 150 GeV for e\u03c5 channel * CSV1 > 0.898, CSV2 > 0.4 ====== ZH analysis ====== ===== Signals ===== * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-110_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.04414 pb) * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-115_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.036375 pb) * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-120_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.0293327854 pb) * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-125_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.0229727058 pb) * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-130_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.017288657 pb) * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-135_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.01250888 pb) * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-140_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.008676898 pb) * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-145_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.0056784546 pb) * DiJetPt_ZH_ZToLL_HToBB_M-150_8TeV-powheg-herwigpp.root (0.003422645 pb) ===== Full set of cuts ===== * Number of V leptons = 2 * leptons pT > 20 GeV * leptons |\u03b7| < 2.4 * \u0394\u03a6(V,H) > 2.90 rad * jets pT > 20 GeV * jets |\u03b7| < 2.5 * Number of additional jets < 2 * pT(jj) > 100 * 50 < pT(V) < 100 (pT(V) > 100) * CSV1 > 0.898, CSV2 > 0.5 * 75 < M(ll) < 105 GeV ====== Backgrounds ====== * DiJetPt_WZ_TuneZ2star_8TeV_pythia6_tauola.root (12.6892 pb) * DiJetPt_WW_TuneZ2star_8TeV_pythia6_tauola.root (56.75 pb) * DiJetPt_TT_CT10_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola.root (234.0 pb) * DiJetPt_ZJetsToLL_Pt-100_8TeV-herwigpp.root (162.04 pb) * DiJetPt_ZZ_TuneZ2star_8TeV_pythia6_tauola.root (7.2524 pb) * DiJetPt_WJetsToLNu_TuneZ2Star_8TeV-madgraph-tarball.root (30400. pb) * DiJetPt_WJetsToLNu_PtW-50To70_TuneZ2star_8TeV-madgraph.root (811.2 pb, cannot find it!) * DiJetPt_WJetsToLNu_PtW-70To100_TuneZ2star_8TeV-madgraph.root (428.9 pb) * DiJetPt_WJetsToLNu_PtW-100_TuneZ2star_8TeV-madgraph.root (228.9 pb) * DiJetPt_WJetsToLNu_PtW-180_TuneZ2star_8TeV-madgraph-tarball.root (23.5 pb) * DiJetPt_Tbar_s-channel_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola.root (1.76 pb) * DiJetPt_Tbar_t-channel_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola.root (30.7 pb) * DiJetPt_Tbar_tW-channel-DR_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola.root (11.1 pb) * DiJetPt_T_s-channel_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola.root (3.79 pb) * DiJetPt_T_t-channel_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola.root (56.4 pb) * DiJetPt_T_tW-channel-DR_TuneZ2star_8TeV-powheg-tauola.root (11.1 pb)