Please see ''[[plots:cmsstyle|]]'' for an improved version of the code below. See [[]] for more guidelines and scripts (python and C++) like this one and ''[[plots:tdrstyle|]]''. The macro below is slightly altered to include 2016 data (35.9 fb^(-1) at 13 TeV) and phase two (3000 fb^(-1) at 14 TeV). import ROOT as rt # CMS_lumi # Initiated by: Gautier Hamel de Monchenault (Saclay) # Translated in Python by: Joshua Hardenbrook (Princeton) # Updated by: Dinko Ferencek (Rutgers) # cmsText = "CMS"; cmsTextFont = 61 writeExtraText = True extraText = "Preliminary" extraTextFont = 52 lumiTextSize = 0.6 lumiTextOffset = 0.2 cmsTextSize = 0.75 cmsTextOffset = 0.1 relPosX = 0.045 relPosY = 0.035 relExtraDY = 1.2 extraOverCmsTextSize = 0.76 lumi_14TeV = "3000 fb^{-1}" lumi_13TeV = "35.9 fb^{-1}" lumi_8TeV = "19.7 fb^{-1}" lumi_7TeV = "5.1 fb^{-1}" lumi_sqrtS = "" drawLogo = False outOfFrame = False def CMS_lumi(pad, iPeriod, iPosX ): global outOfFrame, relPosX if(iPosX/10==0 ): outOfFrame = True alignY_=3 alignX_=2 if( iPosX/10==0 ): alignX_=1 if( iPosX==0 ): alignY_=1 if( iPosX/10==1 ): alignX_=1 if( iPosX/10==2 ): alignX_=2 if( iPosX/10==3 ): alignX_=3 align_ = 10*alignX_ + alignY_ H = pad.GetWh() W = pad.GetWw() l = pad.GetLeftMargin() t = pad.GetTopMargin() r = pad.GetRightMargin() b = pad.GetBottomMargin() e = 0.025 lumiText = "" if( iPeriod==1 ): lumiText += lumi_7TeV lumiText += " (7 TeV)" elif ( iPeriod==2 ): lumiText += lumi_8TeV lumiText += " (8 TeV)" elif( iPeriod==3 ): lumiText = lumi_8TeV lumiText += " (8 TeV)" lumiText += " + " lumiText += lumi_7TeV lumiText += " (7 TeV)" elif ( iPeriod==4 ): lumiText += lumi_13TeV lumiText += " (13 TeV)" elif ( iPeriod==7 ): if( outOfFrame ):lumiText += "#scale[0.85]{" lumiText += lumi_13TeV lumiText += " (13 TeV)" lumiText += " + " lumiText += lumi_8TeV lumiText += " (8 TeV)" lumiText += " + " lumiText += lumi_7TeV lumiText += " (7 TeV)" if( outOfFrame): lumiText += "}" elif ( iPeriod==12 ): lumiText += "8 TeV" elif ( iPeriod==13 ): if( outOfFrame ):lumiText += "#scale[0.90]{" lumiText += lumi_13TeV lumiText += " (13 TeV)" if( outOfFrame): lumiText += "}" elif ( iPeriod==14 ): if( outOfFrame ):lumiText += "#scale[0.90]{" lumiText += lumi_14TeV lumiText += " (14 TeV, 200 PU)" if( outOfFrame): lumiText += "}" elif ( iPeriod==0 ): lumiText += lumi_sqrtS print lumiText latex = rt.TLatex() latex.SetNDC() latex.SetTextAngle(0) latex.SetTextColor(rt.kBlack) extraTextSize = extraOverCmsTextSize*cmsTextSize latex.SetTextFont(42) latex.SetTextAlign(31) latex.SetTextSize(lumiTextSize*t) latex.DrawLatex(1-r,1-t+lumiTextOffset*t,lumiText) if( outOfFrame ): latex.SetTextFont(cmsTextFont) latex.SetTextAlign(11) latex.SetTextSize(cmsTextSize*t) latex.DrawLatex(l,1-t+lumiTextOffset*t,cmsText) posX_ = 0 if( iPosX%10<=1 ): posX_ = l + relPosX*(1-l-r) # left aligned elif( iPosX%10==2 ): posX_ = l + 0.5*(1-l-r) # centered elif( iPosX%10==3 ): posX_ = 1-r - relPosX*(1-l-r) # right aligned posY_ = 1-t - relPosY*(1-t-b) if( not outOfFrame ): if( drawLogo ): posX_ = l + 0.045*(1-l-r)*W/H posY_ = 1-t - 0.045*(1-t-b) xl_0 = posX_ yl_0 = posY_ - 0.15 xl_1 = posX_ + 0.15*H/W yl_1 = posY_ CMS_logo = rt.TASImage("CMS-BW-label.png") pad_logo = rt.TPad("logo","logo", xl_0, yl_0, xl_1, yl_1 ) pad_logo.Draw() CMS_logo.Draw("X") pad_logo.Modified() else: latex.SetTextFont(cmsTextFont) latex.SetTextSize(cmsTextSize*t) latex.SetTextAlign(align_) latex.DrawLatex(posX_, posY_, cmsText) if( writeExtraText ) : latex.SetTextFont(extraTextFont) latex.SetTextAlign(align_) latex.SetTextSize(extraTextSize*t) latex.DrawLatex(posX_, posY_- relExtraDY*cmsTextSize*t, extraText) elif( writeExtraText ): if( iPosX==0): posX_ = l + relPosX*(1-l-r) posY_ = 1-t+lumiTextOffset*t latex.SetTextFont(extraTextFont) latex.SetTextSize(extraTextSize*t) latex.SetTextAlign(align_) latex.DrawLatex(posX_, posY_, extraText) pad.Update()