====== Common ntuple ====== ===== Recipe ===== The ntuple code is supposed to run in CMSSW_5_3_11, instructions are for PSI: Set up CMSSW (cmsrel command only needed for initial setup): source $VO_CMS_SW_DIR/cmsset_default.sh cmsrel CMSSW_5_3_11 cd CMSSW_5_3_11/src cmsenv kinit -f $USER@CERN.CH check out the code from git: git clone https://github.com/decosa/TopQuarkAnalysis run the check-out script: cd TopQuarkAnalysis/SingleTop/ source singleTop_5_3_11.csh ===== Action items ===== * [[ntuple:todo|To-do list]] ===== Additional packages/tools ===== * [[ntuple:ivf|Inclusive Vertex Finder (IVF)]]