Include this file in each directory of your website to display plots in a nice and searchable way ([[cern:website|full instructions]]). Made by Giovanni. (Replace the location of your website's icon ''favicon.ico''.) <?php echo $pwdshort; ?>

\n"; print "


\n"; print "[parent] "; foreach(glob("*") as $filename){ if(is_dir($filename) && ($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'] == 'gpetrucc' || !preg_match("/^\..*|.*private.*/", $filename))){ print " [$filename]"; } } print ""; }else{ print "
\n"; print "


"; print "
"; } foreach(array("00_README.txt", "README.txt", "readme.txt") as $readme){ if(file_exists($readme)){ #print "
\n"; readfile($readme); print "
"; $readmeblock = file_get_contents($readme); #$readmeblock = preg_replace("|\[\[([^\|\]]*)\|([^\|\]]*)\]\]|","$2",$readmeblock); $readmeblock = preg_replace("|\[\[((?:(?!\]\])[^\|])*)\|([^\|\]]*)\]\]|","$2",$readmeblock); $readmeblock = preg_replace("|\[\[([^\|\]]*)\]\]|","$1",$readmeblock); print "
\n"; print $readmeblock; print "
"; } } ?>


Filter: >RegExp

1; } $displayed = array(); if($_GET['noplots']){ print "Plots will not be displayed.\n"; }else{ // Get images to be diplayed $disp_filenames = array(); // images to be displayed $png_filenames = glob("*.png"); $keywords = explode(" ",$_GET['match']); $regex = isset($_GET['regexp']) && $_GET['regexp']; foreach(glob("*.gif") as $filename){ // get animated GIFs if(!matches($filename,$keywords,$regex)) continue; //$png_filename = str_replace('.gif','.png',$filename); $png_filename = preg_replace("~\.gif$~",'.png',$filename); if(is_animated($filename)){ if(in_array($png_filename,$png_filenames)) // remove PNG $png_filenames = array_diff($png_filenames,array($png_filename)); }else if(in_array($png_filename,$png_filenames)){ // give preference to PNG continue; } array_push($disp_filenames,$filename); } foreach($png_filenames as $filename){ // get PNGs if(!matches($filename,$keywords,$regex)) continue; array_push($disp_filenames,$filename); } foreach(glob("*.jpg") as $filename){ // get JPGs if(!matches($filename,$keywords,$regex)) continue; $png_filename = preg_replace("~\.jpg$~",'.png',$filename); $gif_filename = preg_replace("~\.jpg$~",'.gif',$filename); if(!in_array($png_filename,$disp_filenames) and !in_array($gif_filename,$disp_filenames)){ // give preference to PNG or animated GIF array_push($disp_filenames,$filename); } } // Display, and include other extensions $other_exts = array('.pdf','.jpg','.png','.gif','.jpeg','.jpg','.eps','.root','.C','.cc','.cpp','.cxx','.txt','.tex','.log','.dir','.info','.psd'); natsort($disp_filenames); // natural sorting (for numbers) foreach($disp_filenames as $filename){ // get PNGs array_push($displayed, $filename); $brfname = str_replace("_","_",$filename); //­ print "
\n"; print "


"; print ""; $others = array(); foreach($other_exts as $ex){ //$other_filename = str_replace('.png', $ex, $filename); $other_filename = preg_replace("~\.(png|gif)$~",$ex,$filename); if(strcmp($other_filename,$filename)==0) continue; if(!file_exists($other_filename)) continue; array_push($others, "[" . $ex . "]"); if($ex != '.txt') array_push($displayed, $other_filename); } if($others) print "

Also as ".implode(', ',$others)."

"; print "
"; } } ?>

Other files