# Simple counting experiment, with one signal and a few background processes # Simplified version H->WW analysis for mH = 160 GeV imax 1 number of channels jmax 3 number of backgrounds kmax 4 number of nuisance parameters (sources of systematical uncertainties) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # one channel, 0 observed events bin 1 observation 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bin 1 1 1 1 process ggH qqWW ggWW others process 0 1 2 3 rate 1.47 0.63 0.06 0.22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lumi lnN 1.11 - 1.11 - luminosity; lnN = lognormal xs_ggH lnN 1.16 - - - gg->H cross section + signal efficiency xs_ggWW lnN - - 1.50 - gg->WW cross section bg_others lnN - - - 1.30 30% uncertainty on the rest of the backgrounds